Mon - Sun : 09.30 AM - 08.00 PM

Increase Mileage & Reduce Emission with 3M™ Diesel Fuel System Cleaner Treatment

Reclaim you mileage milestones in just 30 minutes*

You've probably been told several times that problems such as excessive smoke, increased fuel consumption, and reduced performance are signs of faulty or worn out engine parts. What's more, the time and cost associated with replacing these supposedly worn out parts are high and more often than not, unreasonable.

The truth, however, is that each of these problems could be the result of nothing more than contamination in your engine's fuel system.

This affordable solution employs a simple yet unique delivery mechanism that allows for treatment within just about 30 mins* and without even opening the engine.e truth, however, is that each of these problems could be the result of nothing more than contamination in your engine's fuel system.

This affordable solution employs a simple yet unique delivery mechanism that allows for treatment within just about 30 mins* and without even opening the engine.

Results of fuel system contamination
How it works

Regular city driving in bumper-to-bumper traffic conditions, fuel adulteration, and moisture entrapment can lead to sluggish engine response, injector fouling, reduced quality of fuel burning, and increased deposits in your engine.

The 3M™Diesel Fuel System Cleaner employs a simple process to clean your engine's fuel system of moisture, sticky polymeric deposits, hydrocarbon residue and other impurities.

Committed to improving our planet and every life

At 3M, we are committed to improving our business, our planet and every life. As a company rooted in scientific exploration, we are applying our technology expertise to solve some of the world’s biggest sustainability challenges around key areas – Raw Materials, Water, Energy & Climate, Health & Safety and Education & Development

We are focused on seeking solutions that promote energy conservation, clean energy infrastructure, and reduction in Greenhouse gas emissions.

The DFSC is one such product in our portfolio that helps reduce emissions and consequently, enables consumers to lessen their vehicles' environmental impact.

Benefits DFSC cleans your engine’s fuel system and:

Increases rated power by upto 7%

Improves city drivability by upto 50%**

Reduces smoke by upto 50%

// Call To Action //

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